Transforming Senior Care: How eCareMD Revolutionized RPM Adoption in Senior Facilities


Healthcare, RPM


Python, Angular, TypeScript, REST, SOAP, Web Services

Client Background

The client is a distinguished healthcare provider headquartered in Texas, United States. Renowned for their compassionate approach to managing chronic conditions in elderly patients, the client has earned widespread recognition. Committed to delivering effective, value-based care, the client prioritizes patient well-being and satisfaction.

Business challenges

While managing chronic conditions of senior-aged patients, the client has faced various challenges, like

    1. Limited staff resources

Elderly patients require continuous health monitoring and support from their care providers. However, due to limited staff resources, the client was facing challenges in attending to each patient and delivering personalized care.

    2. Health monitoring challenges

Monitoring elderly patients can be challenging, often resulting in delays in interventions and the detection of health issues. Consequently, this has led to health complications for the patients.

    3. Lack of treatment adherence

Chronic care treatment takes a prolonged duration and patients are required to undergo various clinical activities like laboratory tests, prescription refills, consumption of prescribed medicines, etc. Due to the limitations of staff and technology, the client was unable to keep the patient adhering to the treatment plan.

    4. Patient empowerment challenges

The client needed help to educate patients about chronic conditions, their impacts, the advantages of following the prescribed treatment plan, and lifestyle recommendations. It hampered the patient's health outcomes.


To overcome those issues and deliver more effective care to patients with limited staff resources, the client has approached medarch Inc. for eCareMD software with remote patient monitoring capabilities.
Our business analysts took multiple interaction calls and demonstrations to understand the client’s requirements and business challenges. Upon receiving final approval from the client, we implemented the eCareMD software into the client’s practice.
After implementing eCareMD software, the client experienced more effective healthcare delivery with limited resources.

Solution Highlights

Our eCareMD software consists of advanced cutting-edge technologies that enable care providers to deliver patient-centered, effective, personalized care. Some of the best features of our software that resolved client’s business challenges are

    1. Telecommunication functionality

    Our eCareMD software is equipped with telecommunication capabilities like secure voice, video calls, text SMS, chat, push notifications, etc. It helped care providers to virtually consult patients who are at their homes. Using this functionality, providers have interacted with patients for clinical activities like daily chart review, monthly reviews, prescription refills, health progress evaluations etc. It improved communication between care providers and patients that resulted in improved patient health outcomes.

    2. Integration of remote monitoring tools

    The eCareMD integrates with remote monitoring tools like blood pressure monitors, pulse oximeters, smart glucometers, etc. These devices continuously monitor patient health vitals and transmit the reading to the care providers’ eCareMD software. The CareProvider is able to monitor the patient's health readings using the dashboard, and if any vital of the patient goes beyond threshold levels, then the system generates an alert and notifies the care provider. This helped care providers monitor patients remotely and make interventions as required.

    3. Medication reminders

    The eCareMD software provided the feasibility for care providers to schedule reminders for patients through email, SMS, etc. It includes frequency(Daily, weekly, monthly), date and time. These reminders will be automatically sent to the patients as per the configuration, which notifies patients to complete clinical activities like taking a vital reading, prescription refills, laboratory reports, consume medicine, etc, This resulted in improved medication and treatment adherence of patients.

    4. Send educational material functionality

    The care providers were able to send educational materials to the patients using the platform as per their chronic conditions. These educational materials helped patients to know more about their chronic conditions, lifestyle recommendations to be followed etc. It also helped patients to know about advantages of following the prescribed treatment plan. It helped increase the patients' confidence and treatment adherence.

Value Delivered

    1. Improved access to patients

    Using the telecommunication capabilities of eCareMD software the care providers were able to access more patients and deliver care to them.

    2. Continous monitoring and tracking of patient health

    As the remote monitoring tools integrated with the eCareMD software, it helped care providers remotely monitor patient health and keep track of trends and fluctuations in vital readings. It resulted in a more preventive care approach towards patients and reduced health complications.

    3. Improved medication adherence

    As the patients were able to receive the medication reminders, the medication adherence rate increased, which resulted in improved patient health outcomes.

    4. Increased patient confidence and engagement

    The eCareMD software’s send educational material functionality helped patients to know more about their chronic conditions and the lifestyle recommendations to be followed. It resulted in increased patient confidence and engagment with the treatment plan.