Reducing Staff Burnout & Other Staffing Challenging with eCareMD Care Coordination Software - A Case Study


Healthcare, Care Coordination


Python, Angular, TypeScript, REST, SOAP, Web Services

Client Background

A healthcare provider based in Alaska operates a network of hospitals dedicated to treating patients with chronic conditions. With 14 years of service, they have cared for a diverse patient population and have become well-known in the region for their medical expertise, compassion, and commitment to delivering quality care.

Business challenges

The client managed the patients with the help of a few medical professionals and EHR software. Over time, the client has identified that to handle a large patient population, automation of administrative tasks is crucial, as is earning more reimbursement and delivering quality patient-centered care, which results in less staff burnout and overcomes staffing challenges.

    1. Patient registration and onboarding challenges

The client has identified that almost 30% of their medical professionals’ time is spent on manual activities like patient creation within the software and sending them consent for participating in the CMS-sponsored program.

Time spent on these activities has affected the care provider’s efficiency and quality of care delivered to the patients as they were not able to spend more time on each patient's treatment.

    2. Creation of a care plan for each patient

One of the crucial aspects of personalized care delivery is to assign a patient-centered care plan by identifying the patient's health needs and requirements. It seems simple, but the client’s existing software consumed a lot of time of care providers in creating and assigning care plans manually for each patient. This excessive time spent on care plan creation and assignment has affected the providers’ efficiency and patient health outcomes.

    3. Time tracking and billing challenges

As per the CMS reimbursement model, the amount to care providers can be reimbursed based on the qualified CPT codes for patient treatment. This qualification of CPT codes requires time spent on patient profiles for performing various clinical activities like care plan review, prescription refill, physician review, etc.

The client’s existing software does not record the time while care providers were performing the activities over the patient's profile. The providers were also facing challenges in maintaining the patient’s billing records such as accurate CPT code assignment for time spent, and maintaining the status of submitted billings.


To overcome these staff burnout challenges and improve the care provider’s efficiency and productivity, the client has approached Medarch Inc. for eCareMD software. After understanding the client’s requirements through telephonic conversations, our team has implemented the eCareMD software into the client’s practice. After the implementation of the eCareMD software, the client experienced significant growth in the care providers’ efficiency, which resulted in improved patient health outcomes and reimbursement amount earned.

Solution Highlights

Our eCareMD software consists of advanced technological features like bulk patient creation and invites, automated care plan assignment, and automated time tracking features that helped in overcoming the business challenges of the client.

Let's discuss these features in detail below:

    1. Bulk patient creation and invitation

    Our eCareMD software has resolved the challenge of care providers’ excessive time spent on manual activity for patient creation and sending consent to each patient with the help of bulk patient creation and send invite functionality. It allows care providers to upload the CSV file containing patient information, creating hundreds of patients within seconds.

    Also, it enabled care providers to select multiple patients and send them consent for participation in the program.

    This functionality has saved 30% of the total time spent by care providers for performing these activities manually which ultimately increased their efficiency.

    2. Automated care plan assignment and template creation

    Automated care plan assignment and template creation image

    The manual creation and assignment of the care plan for each patient is the most common challenge the client has faced. Our eCareMD software has effectively addressed this challenge as it allows care providers to create condition-specific care plans and store them in the library folder. Based on the patient’s chronic conditions, it automatically suggests the appropriate care plans, reducing the care providers’ efforts and time spent on care plan creation and assignment.

    3. Automated time tracking and billing optimization

    Automated time tracking and billing optimization image

    Our eCareMD software has resolved the time tracking and billing challenges dramatically as it automatically tracks each activity time the care provider performs over the patient profile and suggests logging the time. Also, based on the time spent, it automatically qualifies as an accurate CPT code for billing the patient. For effective billing management, the software enables care providers to select multiple patients and update their statuses.

Value Delivered

    1. Increased Efficiency and 30 % Time Savings

    The bulk patient creation and send invite functionality has saved care providers 30% of the total time previously spent on manual tasks, allowing them to focus more on patient care and other critical activities.

    2. Enhanced Care Plan Management

    The automated care plan assignment feature reduces the time and effort required to create and assign care plans. This ensures that patients receive timely and appropriate care, enhancing the overall quality of care.

    3. Improved Billing Accuracy and Time Tracking

    The automated time tracking and billing optimization feature ensures accurate time logging and billing. This reduces administrative burdens, minimizes errors in billing, and improves the overall financial management of the care providers.